Dr Ranveer Singh Tyagi
MD Anesthesia
Head of Critical Care Department Synergy Plus Hospital,Agra
9 AM to 6 PM
Dr Ranveer Singh Tyagi
MD Anesthesia
Head of Critical Care Department Synergy Plus Hospital,Agra
9 AM to 6 PM
- One of the pioneers in the field of Critical Care medicine in the city.
- Post Graduate Teacher &Trainer for DNB students: Anesthesiology.
- Co-organising Secretary 14th National Conference of ISCCM Critical Care 2009.
- Organizing Secretary of 2nd Annual Conference of U.P. & UK. Chapter ISCCM in 2011.
Academic Achievements
- Zonal Member - National ISCCM (Central) 2012-16.
- Teacher &Trainer for IDCC students at Pushpanjali Hospital, Agra.
- General Secretary UP & UK state chapter ISCCM from Oct. 2012-14.
- Organizing Secretary of Criticare 2016 with International Sepsis Forum.
Research Publications
- Local coordinator of INDICAP group study conducted by ISCCM.
- Management of Organao phosphorus poisoning new perspective (IJTACCS) Volume 6 June 2006.
- Blunt injury chest, Timely management saved life (IJTACCS) June 2005.
Awards and Honours
- Received Best branch award - Agra as chairman in national conference at Pune in Criticare 2012 .
- Honoured by Lions Club of Agra best Doctor to save the life of Trauma victim.