Dr Narendra Deo
MBBS,M.S(Surgery), M.Ch.(Oncology)
Head of Cancer Department Synergy Plus Hospital,Agra
9 AM TO 12 PM
Dr Narendra Deo
MBBS,M.S(Surgery), M.Ch.(Oncology)
Head of Cancer Department Synergy Plus Hospital,Agra
9 AM TO 12 PM
Academic Achievements
- MBBS from GSVM Medical College Kanpur in the year 1981.
- M.S(Surgery) Medical College Kanpur year 1985.
- M.ch(Oncology) Cancer Institute Chennai year 1991.
- Asssitant Professor/Associate Professor in surgical oncology-Cancer hospital Gwalior.
- Surgical oncology Consultant,Agra Since 1997.
- Cancer treatment is Multidisciplinary treatment involving surgery, radiation and drugs in various combinations. Good diagnostic backup in form of Ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, Endoscopies and good histopathology with frozen section facilities are essential armamentarium in cancer treatment.
- From extensive resections and ablative surgeries to less & less ablative resections are gaining ground in recent times.
- Laparoscopic oncology procedures have revolutionized the cancer surgery by decreasing mortality, less hospital stay and results as par with open surgery.
- Reconstructive surgery is an important area to maintain form & function with less mutilation.
Surgeries Being Done at Synergy Hospital
- Extensive head & neck resections, commando greations and reconstructions.
- Thyroid, parathyroid & parotid surgeons.
- Esophageal, gastric, colorectal resections.
- Pancreatic resection (Whipple’s operations) procedure.
- Radial Cholecystectomy.
- Genitourinary surgery – radical nephrectomy, radical hysterectomy, radical cystectomy with new bladder reconstructions, partial/total penectomy with groin dissections, RPLNDs.
- Limb conservative surgery in bone/soft tissue sarcomas.
Common Myths Regarding Cancer
- Biopsy spreads the cancer : It is not correct. Biopsy is the only test to confirm the type of cancer. It is the first step to initiate the treatment.
- After biopsy report the definite treatment of cancer should be started immediately & a delay at this stage is fatal.
- Radiotherapy kills – not true.
- Contagious disease – not true.
- Cancer is a genetic disease.
- 10-20% cancers are heriditary 410 cancer genes have been identified so far. Cancer directed cancer drugs are going to be a reality.
- Oral and cervical cancer are preventable and can be controlled by saying ‘NO’ to tobacco and cervical cancer vaccination to young girls.
- Early detection of cancer is a possibility by screening of population or regular health checkups.
- Many cancer patents are cured and many are given longer life with good quality.
- Fight cancer regardless is the only mantra to win.